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"Always Pay Your Pirate"

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What are the best ships for Piracy?

Piracy team compositions change depending on variables, such as group size, what we're hunting, whether we're active hunting or snaring, the current patch trade meta, etc..  The Mantis and Cutlass Blue are often the backbone of a pirate group.

Pirates tend to favor ships with speed such as the F8C, Buccaneer, Warlock, Hawk or F7 series.

Ships with decent speed and heavy damage output like the Inferno or Ion also have their uses.

Logistics ships that have cargo bays, med bays, salvage and/or refueling capabilities are also useful.

What gear do I need for FPS?

We recommend heavy core. heavy helmet, heavy backpack, arm and leg armor of your choice, a tractor beam, a med gun, med pens, cruz lux, whatever guns you like best, and plenty of ammo.

If you're a fan of energy weapons, it can be handy to take at least 1 ballistic weapons, even if it's your sidearm.  Ballistics are required to open doors and ramps when shields are up.

Do I need a stealth loadout for my ship?

No, you can currently turn off your shields (O) and weapons (P) to achieve a low stealth profile.

What is the ideal Pirate Squadron?

Again, this depends on the situation but having at least 2 QED ships, a specialty DPS ship like an Inferno or Ion, a couple of scouts and some regular fighters is a good start.

In groups larger than five, 1-2 fighters for overwatch and scouting can be helpful.  QED is the backbone of the pirate fleet.

Is attending events and training mandatory?

Not immediately, but if we find you to be inactive for extended periods of time, you will be put on leave and eventually removed.

How does voting work?

Once you have obtained Pirate rank, you may vote on most decisions the org makes. Votes are usually started during meetings. They are open for 24 hours. A vote needs 2/3rds majority "Yarr" to pass. Votes are tallied by votes submitted, not all eligible voters.
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