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New Recruit


  • A person who has joined the Discord and has not yet become a Prospect to the Org.


  • Has read and agrees to abide by The Code
  • Respect org members and other recruits.

Promotion Requirements

  • In order to become a prospect, each new recruit must earn and send 50,000 merits to our prison account Sir_Saltyba11s
  • Provide a screenshot of the completed transaction in the #AirLock channel. Please be sure to tag the Pirate Captains.

Discord Access

  • This is a 1 week period of temporary access to the Discord unless a Prospect rank is obtained. After that period of time, you will be kicked from the server.



  • A person who has expressed an interest in diving further into the Pirate loop as it is defined and trained by Chaos Squad.
  • This is a probationary rank. Prospects are not considered to have fully joined Chaos Squad until they achieve the Pirate Rank.
  • Prospects have 3 months to complete trainings or show proficiency in Chaos Squad tactics.


  • Has read and agrees to abide by The Code
  • Respect org members and other recruits.
  • Attends Chaos Squad Trainings and Operations.

Promotion to Pirate Requirements

  • Earn at least 3 out of the 5 badges, offered by Chaos Squad, that cover the various roles of piracy.  Badges may be earned during training or live operations.
  • Log at least 20 hours in voice comms.  Chemistry is very important to us and we need to play with you to make sure that you'll fit with the crew.  (Time spent alone in a voice comms channel is not counted. Our bot will do the time tracking, you just need to get in and play!)
  • Prospects may be nominated by any member of Chaos Squad ranked Pirate or higher. Must pass a 2/3 vote among Pirates and higher.

Promotion to Crew Requirements

  • Flies with Chaos Squad during our operations and/or training in a logistics compacity. Either transports stolen cargo or salvages one of our targets ships.
  • Is nominated for promotion to Crew by a member.
  • Has earned "Logistics" badge.

Logistics Crew


  • Crew are recognized as full members of Chaos Squad.
  • Crew have proven themselves to be valuable additions to Chaos Squad through action.
  • Crew are able to attend Chaos Squad meetings, nominate new logistics crew, vote in new logistics crew, and cast a vote on most matters.


  • Has read and agrees to abide by The Code
  • Is respectful to Chaos Squad members and recruits.
  • Attends Chaos Squad Trainings and Operations

Promotion to Boatswain Requirements

  • Demonstrates a strong understanding of pirate tactics.
  • Understands the logistics involved in piracy operations.
  • Able to lead small unit operations.
  • Is nominated by a fellow Chaos Squad member for promotion and passes a 2/3 majority vote held at the Quartermaster level and higher.

Discord Access

  • Crew gain access to most channels in the discord. If a Crew member is inactive for 3 months, they will be put on LOA.



  • Pirates are recognized as full members of Chaos Squad.
  • Pirates have proven themselves to be valuable additions to Chaos Squad through action.
  • Pirates are able to attend Chaos Squad meetings, nominate new pirates, vote in new pirates, and cast a vote on most matters.


  • Has read and agrees to abide by The Code
  • Is respectful to Chaos Squad members and recruits.
  • Attends Chaos Squad Trainings and Operations.

Promotion to Quartermaster Requirements

  • Demonstrates a strong understanding of pirate tactics.
  • Understands the logistics involved in piracy operations.
  • Able to lead small unit operations.
  • Is nominated by a fellow Chaos Squad member for promotion and passes a 2/3 majority vote held at the Quartermaster level and higher.

Discord Access

  • Pirates gain access to most channels in the discord. If a pirate is inactive for 3 months, they will be put on LOA.

Quartermaster or boatswain


  • Quartermasters & Boatswains are considered officers.
  • Quartermasters & Boatswains have demonstrated that they understand piracy tactics as well as logistics.
  • They may be called on to lead small combat teams or logistics operations.


  • Has read and agrees to abide by The Code
  • Is respectful to Chaos Squad members and recruits.
  • Attends Chaos Squad Trainings and Operations.
  • Assists new pirates in preparing for operations.
  • Provides back up equipment to pirates (e.g. additional primary weapon, food, water, ammo, medical supplies, fuel, etc.).

Promotion to Captain Requirements

  • Demonstrates a strong understanding of pirate tactics.
  • Understands the logistics involved in piracy operations.
  • Able to lead full operations.
  • Able teach our tactics to new members.
  • Nomination from a Captain based on performance.
  • Promotion must pass a 2/3 majority vote at the Officer level.

Discord Access

  • Quartermasters & Boatswains gain access to most channels in the discord. If a Quartermaster/Boatswain is inactive for 3 months, they will be put on LOA.



  • Captains are considered officers. They are our designated leaders in game and the moderators of our discord.
  • Captains have demonstrated understanding of piracy tactics and logistics.


  • Has read and agrees to abide by The Code
  • Is respectful to Chaos Squad members and recruits.
  • Conducts Chaos Squad Trainings and Operations.
  • Assists new pirates in preparing for operations.
  • Leads our pirates to booty in our operations.
  • Moderates discord activity.

Discord Access

  • Captains gain access to all channels in the discord. If a Captain inactive for 6 months, they will be put on LOA.

Dread Pirate


The Dread Pirate rank is reserved for the founder of Chaos Squad, "CaptDirty."


  • Maintains and abides by The Code
  • Is respectful to Chaos Squad members and recruits.
  • Assists new pirates in preparing for operations.
  • Leads our pirates to booty in our operations.
  • Moderates discord activity.
  • Is responsible for the over-all direction of Chaos Squad.
  • Plans and conducts meetings.
  • Manages the Chaos Squad YouTube channel and website.

Discord Access

The Dread Pirate owns the Discord server.

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